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Choral Activities

Our Chancel Choir presents anthems and service music during the morning worship services. 


New members are always welcome to join the choir!  We have Wednesday rehearsal from 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm and Sunday rehearsal at 10:00 am. 


handBell Activities

The Chancel Bells is a bell program which offers opportunities for handbell presentations including choirs, quartets, solos, and related music ensembles for high-school teens and adults. 

The bell activities are scheduled on Wednesday from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm, with an additional rehearsal at 9:30 am on the Sundays they present. We welcome new instrumentalists to be a part of our bell program!


For more information or questions about joining any music ensemble, contact 


C.J. Hunter

Music Minister


James L. Clarke

Organist & Accompanist

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